This is one of the reasons I do boudoir photography.
BUT..... I do NOT post pictures from these sessions on my website and/or blog. I respect that the images taken at these sessions are for the eyes of your significant other only.
I have recently added information to my site with my "G- rated" image below:
Boudoir sessions are popular these days! Females WANT to give their significant others classy, sexy images of them. Why not? Oh, and for those who are a bit anxious about modeling lingerie.... now, please... keep in mind that I do retouch images ;) NO worries. Little flaws are all erased. LOL.
We can schedule these sessions at a nearby hotel and/or your home. I even do very limited amounts of Boudoir Session Parties- please inquire!!! You and a small group of friends can all get in on the fun. :)
With every Boudoir Session a "Little Black Book" (5X7 black leather album of photos) is included. These make INCREDIBLE gifts. They are perfect for his:
- Wedding gift
- Valentines Day gift
- Anniversary gift
- Christmas present
- Birthday surprise
- or ....just to celebrate womanhood
Did I say they make INCREDIBLE gifts? They do! Guys Loooooooooooove them.
Oh, and .....Yep, I am a female so that means you can feel extra comfortable taking these pics with me. I do not show them to other people or display them anywhere. And I have some fun props to use as well. You will look amazing in the images. :)
I also have stylists available who, for a small fee, can bring out your beauty like you would not believe. Lots of optional talent available. Send me a note to plan your session today.
Don't wait- availability is limited!!!
* Coming up pre-holiday blog posts- probably a couple of model sessions, a newborn shoot, perhaps a family or two...... and probably some sort of holiday give-a-way. Stay tuned. December will be busy for me but I will do my best to keep you all posted.