Janice is working on lesson 8/9 and has come so far with her PS Skills. She is getting dangerous in the darkroom..hehe ;) I am hard on her, but that is only because she lets me be. lol.
Check out the result from our latest lesson in high key portrait work -
And Teri is currently working on Lesson 3 of 3. Check out her image below from lesson 2- it was completed right after she learned how to use PS Layers and to how integrate selective/subtle texture to a portrait. She is brand new to textures and layers and really did a terrific job. She keeps getting better by the day :)
This was the texture she used in her image:
Yay, you two! It is so awesome working with you both and I cannot wait to see how you continue to grow. I am impressed by the determination you both have.
Are you looking for help with Photoshop? I do have time available for 1 or 2 more students next month! Send me a note on Facebook or email if you would like to hold a spot. Oh, and STAY TUNED... I have some images from my latest little punk session to share soon and those water images from the Trash the Dress shoot I promised as well. :)