So what makes this image "Art?" Well, there are lots of reasons but to begin with- it did not come out of the camera looking this way. LOL. I did work in Photoshop to give it this final finish. This image has already brought me some terrific feedback from many amazing photographers + viewers out there. And, "wow" this week I have really been swamped with emails/facebook messages that are inquiring about my one-on-one email photo editing lessons. I just thought it was a great image to use in my post today.
Some of you know that I do hold a teaching certificate and am selectively willing to share knowledge with those who desire it. Eventually I will update my website with a section of information pertaining to these sessions but for now- here is the scoop for anyone who wants to know.
- I accept LIMITED amounts of students per month due to time restrictions but currently DO still have some availability for November.
- Lessons are given once a week via email and are 3-part in format
- Hands on application + evaluation from me personally for every lesson.
- Lesson topics are custom designed per client desire and open to all skill levels
- Lessons are completed using Layers in Photoshop Elements, PSCS2, PSCS3, PSCS4 or Corel...especially for color toning and use of textures!! (like pictured below)
Please send me a note for complete price list and/or a list of sample topics
I can be reached at or on Facebook.